Wikka : MyWork

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Oldest known version of this page was edited on 2005-12-03 11:56:56 by DuongKhang []
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My work

Please see the official site (in English) for more information ;)

I wrote that report at the end of my training period at DUT level. More information is available here (in French).

This tiny software was written for the Mecanics Department at IUT. It's installed here (in French).

This application is written in Intel x86 Assembly language. It can transfer any file between two computer which are linked together with a serial cable through the RS232 interface. You can download it here.

During my spare time, I participate writing the computer sciences articles in Vietnamese for Wikipedia. Sometimes, I also translate the Wikipedia's English articles to Vietnamese.

I have contributed to this project as a programmer.

From time to time, I grab the updates from the Wikka project and put them in a package with my own modifications. This site runs on my own WikkaHack.

I'm an editor of this category: "Games/Video_Games/Computer_Platforms/Linux/"