Wikka : BLFSInstallationLog

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Most recent edit on 2008-03-24 14:15:50 by DuongKhang

23:30 - March 3rd, 08 - fftw-3.1.2
/configure && make
/usr/local/bin/paco -lp fftw-3.1.2 make install
19:40 - October 31th, 07 - privoxy-3.0.3-2-stable
autoheader && autoconf && ./configure && make
13:20 - October 31th, 07 - libevent-1.3e
./configure && make
/usr/local/bin/paco -lp libevent-1.3e make install
21:35 - September 8th, 07 - freeplayer-linux-20050905
/usr/local/bin/paco -lp freeplayer-linux-20050905 ./install.sh
21:35 - August 21th, 07 - exiv2-0.15
* compilation: (real 3m36s)
/usr/local/bin/paco -lp exiv2-0.15 make install
00:45 - April 28th, 07 - valgrind-3.2.3
* compilation: (real 1m23.076s)
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-only32bit
/usr/local/bin/paco -lp valgrind-3.2.3 make install
15:10 - January 7th, 07 - kdeedu-3.4.3
cd kiten
10:44 - November 4th, 06 - SDL_mixer-1.2.7
* compilation: (with optimization, time: 0m46s)
/usr/local/bin/paco -lp SDL_mixer-1.2.7 "make install"
12:30 - November 4th, 06 - SDL-1.2.11
* compilation: (with optimization, time: 1m33.193s)
/usr/local/bin/paco -lp SDL-1.2.11 "make install"
10:44 - October 15th, 06 - lirc-xmms-plugin-1.4
/usr/local/bin/paco -lp lirc-xmms-plugin-1.4 "make install"
10:30 - October 15th, 06 - setserial-2.17
* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local but the program installs to /bin)
/usr/local/bin/paco -lp setserial-2.17 "make install"
01:30 - October 15th, 06 - lirc-0.8.0
./configure --with-x --with-driver=sir
* boot init: (root)
setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart none
/usr/local/bin/paco -lp lirc-0.8.0 "make install"

Oldest known version of this page was edited on 2006-10-15 09:49:40 by DuongKhang []
Page view:
	                      BLFS-6.0.xx application installation log
Common options
	CFLAGS='-O3 -march=pentium4 -mmmx -msse2 -msse -mfpmath=sse'
	CXXFLAGS='-O3 -march=pentium4 -mmmx -msse2 -msse -mfpmath=sse'

Installation directory '/usr' versus '/usr/local':
	I put in '/usr' the packages which are necessary for the full working system. 
	Whereas, '/usr/local' contains only optional programs.

13:40 - October 14th, 06 - MPlayer-1.0pre8
	* compilation: (6m56.195s)
		./configure --enable-gui --enable-lirc --with-codecsdir=/usr/local/lib/mplayer/codecs

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		/usr/local/bin/paco paco -lp MPlayer-1.0pre8 "make install"

23:30 - June 3rd, 06 - subversion-1.3.2
	* compilation: (6m10.607s)
		./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-ssl --with-zlib --disable-nls --without-apxs

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

11:05 - June 3rd, 06 - paco-1.10.8
	* compilation: (0m17.000s)
		./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-scripts --disable-dependency-tracking

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

21:05 - May 11th, 06 - xawtv-20060317-134453
	* compilation:
		./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-xvideo --enable-alsa --enable-mad --enable-mpeg2 --enable-gl --enable-mmx --enable-xft

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

21:05 - March 30th, 06 - kcachegrind-0.4.6
	* compilation:
		./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-final

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

23:05 - December 10th, 05 - paco-1.10.2
	* compilation:
		./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-a2paco --enable-pacoball --enable-superpaco --disable-dependency-tracking

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

	* uninstallation: (root, june 3rd, 06)
		make uninstall

22:20 - November 24th, 05 - slang-2.0.5
	* compilation:
		make elf

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install-elf

15:30 - November 23th, 05 - wine-0.9.2
	* compilation: (time: 73m06s)
		./configure --disable-debug --disable-trace

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

13:45 - November 8th, 05 - nfs-utils-1.0.7
	* compilation: (time: 0m34s)
		groupadd -g 65534 nogroup && useradd -c nobody -d /home -g nogroup -s /bin/bash -u 65534 nobody
		./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --disable-nfsv4 --disable-gss

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr)
		make install

	* installation boot-script from BLFS-6.0:
		make install-nfs-server

00:15 - October 29th, 05 - sox-12.17.8
	* compilation: (time: 0m34s)

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

22:05 - October 28th, 05 - kdetv-0.8.8
	CFLAGS='-O3 -march=pentium4 -mmmx -msse2 -msse -mfpmath=sse -I/usr/X11R6/include'

	* compilation: (time: 16m00s)
		./configure --disable-debug --enable-final

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr)
		make install

19:55 - October 28th, 05 - kftpgrabber-0.6.0
	CFLAGS='-O2 -march=pentium4 -mmmx -msse2 -msse -mfpmath=sse'

	* compilation: (time: 33m00s)

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr)
		make install

12:05 - October 15th, 05 - modplugxmms-2.05
	* compilation:
		./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-dependancy-tracking

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

12:00 - October 15th, 05 - libmodplug-0.7
	* compilation: (time: 0m33s)
		./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-dependancy-tracking

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

10:45 - October 15th, 05 - SDL-1.2.9
	* compilation: (time: 7m00s)
		./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-debug --disable-dependancy-tracking --disable-directx

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

18:30 - August 4th, 05 - xine-ui-0.99.4 - 6 minutes
	CFLAGS='-O3 -march=pentium4 -mmmx -msse2 -msse -mfpmath=sse -I/usr/X11R6/include'
	CXXFLAGS='-O3 -march=pentium4 -mmmx -msse2 -msse -mfpmath=sse -I/usr/X11R6/include'
	* compilation:
		./configure --disable-dependency-tracking

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

17:20 - August 4th, 05 - xine-libs-1.1.0 - 58 minutes
	* compilation:
		./configure --disable-dependency-tracking

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

11:05 - July 15th, 05 - GIMP 2.3.2
	* configuration:
		./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-shared --enable-mmx --enable-sse --disable-print --disable-python

	* compilation:

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

20:12 - June 26th, 05 - DRI, Mesa & Xorg
	* download:
		cvs -d:pserver:anoncvs@cvs.freedesktop.org:/cvs/xorg login
		cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anoncvs@cvs.freedesktop.org:/cvs/xorg co xc
		cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.freedesktop.org:/cvs/dri login
		cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.freedesktop.org:/cvs/dri co drm
		cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.freedesktop.org:/cvs/mesa login
		cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.freedesktop.org:/cvs/mesa co Mesa

	* configuration:
		neoneurone@LFS6:/sources/xc$ patch -p0 < buildtools.patch
		see the "host.def" and the "buildtools.patch" file

	* compilation: 67m +
		time make World
		make linux-dri-x86
		cd drm/linux-core
		cp *.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/char/drm

10:12 - June 26th, 05 - valgrind-2.4.0
	* compilation:
		./configure --prefix=/usr/local

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

20:12 - June 14th, 05 - plib-1.8.4
	CFLAGS='-O3 -march=pentium4 -mmmx -msse2 -msse -mfpmath=sse -I/usr/X11R6/include'
	CXXFLAGS='-O3 -march=pentium4 -mmmx -msse2 -msse -mfpmath=sse -I/usr/X11R6/include'
	* compilation:
		./configure --prefix=/usr/local

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

20:12 - May 8th, 05 - gdb-6.3
	* compilation:

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

17:12 - May 8th, 05 - kdesdk-3.4.0
	* compilation:
		./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr)
		make install

00:50 - May 8th, 05 - Tk-8.4.9
	* compilation:
		export VERSION=8.4.9 &&
		export V=`echo $VERSION | cut -d "." -f 1,2` &&
		export DIR=$PWD &&
		cd unix &&
		./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-threads &&
		make &&
		sed -i "s:${DIR}/unix:/usr/lib:" tkConfig.sh &&
		sed -i "s:${DIR}:/usr/include/tk${V}:" tkConfig.sh

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr, inside the "unix" directory)
		make install &&
		install -d /usr/include/tk${V}/unix &&
		install -m644 *.h /usr/include/tk${V}/unix/ &&
		install -d /usr/include/tk${V}/generic &&
		install -m644 ../generic/*.h /usr/include/tk${V}/generic/ &&
		rm -f /usr/include/tk${V}/generic/{tk,tkDecls,tkPlatDecls}.h &&
		ln -nsf ../../include/tk${V} /usr/lib/tk${V}/include &&
		ln -sf libtk${V}.so /usr/lib/libtk.so &&
		ln -sf wish${V} /usr/bin/wish

	* post-installation clean up:
		unset VERSION &&
		unset V &&
		unset DIR

00:15 - May 8th, 05 - mikmod-3.2.2-beta1
	* compilation:
		./configure --enable-threads

	* installation (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

11:15 - May 7th, 05 - xmms-1.2.10
	* compilation:

	* installation (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

11:05 - May 7th, 05 - libmikmod-3.2.0-beta2
	* compilation:
		./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-threads --disable-esdtest

	* installation (root, prefix=/usr)
		make install

00:20 - May 7th, 05 - gimp-print-5.0.0-beta2
	* compilation:
		./configure --without-gimp-print --without-omni

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

	* font installation:
		tar xf xxxx -C /usr/local/share/ghostscript
		chown -R root:root /usr/local/share/ghostscript

11:30 - May 6th, 05 - gimp-print-5.0.0-beta2
	* compilation:

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

10:45 - May 6th, 05 - xine-ui-0.99.3
	* compilation:
		./configure --disable-dependency-tracking --with-x

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

10:25 - May 6th, 05 - xine-libs-1.0.1
	* compilation:
		./configure --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-directfb --with-x

	* installation: (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		make install

00:01 - May 6th, 05 - tidy
	* installation:
		sh build/gnuauto/setup.sh &&
		./configure --prefix=/usr &&

16:35 - May 5th, 05 - mysql-5.0
	CFLAGS='-O3 -march=pentium4 -mmmx -msse2 -msse -mfpmath=sse'
	CXXFLAGS='-O3 -march=pentium4 -mmmx -msse2 -msse -mfpmath=sse -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti'

	* source code download:
		bk clone bk://mysql.bkbits.net/mysql-5.0

	* source configuration:
		bk -r edit
		(cd innobase; aclocal; autoheader; autoconf; automake)
		(cd bdb/dist; sh s_all)

	* compilation:
		groupadd mysql
		useradd -g mysql mysql
		./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --enable-thread-safe-client --enable-assembler \
		--without-readline --without-bench --with-libwrap --with-openssl --enable-local-infile \
		--without-debug --with-named-thread-libs=-lpthread --with-pthread \

	* installation: (root)
		make install
		cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf
		cd /usr/local/mysql
		bin/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
		chown -R root  .
		chown -R mysql var
		chgrp -R mysql .
		bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &

15:45 - May 5th, 05 - http://dri.freedesktop.org/snapshots/r200-20050504-linux.i386.tar.bz2
	* installation: (root), there're some problems with kernel modules installation but
	it seems to work fine.

12:28 - May 5th, 05 - postgresql-8.0.2
	* compilation: (prefix=/usr/local)
		./configure --enable-thread-safety --with-openssl

	* installation: 
		make install
		adduser postgres
		mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data
		chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data
		su - postgres
		/usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
		/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data >logfile 2>&1 &
		/usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb test
		/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql test

12:28 - May 5th, 05 - xorg-

	* compilation:
		time make World > World.log 2>&1

	* installation: (root)
		make install 

09:42 - May 5th, 05 - tcl8.4.9
	* compilation:
		export VERSION=8.4.9 &&
		export V=`echo $VERSION | cut -d "." -f 1,2` &&
		export DIR=$PWD &&
		cd unix &&
		./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-threads &&
		make &&
		sed -i "s:${DIR}/unix:/usr/lib:" tclConfig.sh &&
		sed -i "s:${DIR}:/usr/include/tcl${V}:" tclConfig.sh &&
		sed -i "s,^TCL_LIB_FILE='libtcl${V}..TCL_DBGX..so',\
		TCL_LIB_FILE=\"libtcl${V}\$\{TCL_DBGX\}.so\"," tclConfig.sh

	* installation:
		make install &&
		install -d /usr/include/tcl${V}/unix &&
		install -m644 *.h /usr/include/tcl${V}/unix/ &&
		install -d /usr/include/tcl${V}/generic &&
		install -c -m644 ../generic/*.h /usr/include/tcl${V}/generic/ &&
		rm -f /usr/include/tcl${V}/generic/{tcl,tclDecls,tclPlatDecls}.h &&
		ln -nsf ../../include/tcl${V} /usr/lib/tcl${V}/include &&
		ln -sf libtcl${V}.so /usr/lib/libtcl.so &&
		ln -sf tclsh${V} /usr/bin/tclsh

09:09 - May 5th, 05 - php-5.0.4
	* compilation:
		./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-zlib --with-bzip2 --enable-calendar --enable-bcmath --with-openssl --enable-dbx --enable-exif --enable-ftp --with-gettext --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-pgsql --with-readline --enable-shmop --enable-soap --enable-sockets --enable-wddx --enable-safe-mode --enable-mbstring --with-ncurses --with-tidy --enable-force-cgi-redirect

	* installation:
		make install (root, prefix=/usr/local)
		cp php.ini-recommended /etc/php.ini

	* Note: 
		To enable PHP support in the Apache web server, a new AddType directive must be added to the httpd.conf file: 
			AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
		Also, it can be useful to add an entry for index.php to the DirectoryIndex directive of the httpd.conf file. 

12:50 - May 3rd, 05:
	*httpd-2.1.3-beta: installation
	./configure --enable-cache --enable-disk-cache --enable-mem-cache --enable-deflate --enable-mime-magic --enable-version --enable-ssl --enable-http --enable-dav --enable-info --enable-cgi --enable-cgid --enable-vhost-alias --enable-rewrite --enable-so
	make install (root, prefix=/usr/local/apache2)
	groupadd apache &&
	useradd -c "Apache Server" -d /dev/null -g apache -s /bin/false apache
	chown root:root /usr/local/apach2/bin/*
	make -C /sources/blfs-bootscript-6.0/ install-apache

11:08 - May 3rd, 05:
	*umbrello-1.4.0: uninstallation
		make uninstall (root)

11:14 - May 1st, 05:
	*xchat-2.4.2: installation
		./configure --enable-shm --enable-textfe
		make install (root, prefix=/usr/local)

12:37 - May 4th, 05:
	*X11R6.8.2: installation

23:30 - May 3rd, 05 - subversion-1.2.0-rc2
	* installation: (time 4m53.742s)
		make install (root, prefix=/usr/local)

	* uninstallation: (root, june 3rd, 06)
		make uninstall

01:29 - April 30th, 05 - Kopete-0.9.2
	* installation:
		/configure --disable-dependancy-tracking --disable-debug
		make install (root, prefix=/usr)

	* uninstallation:
		make uninstall (root)